Microdermabrasion Aftercare Instructions
What to expect after a microdermabrasion treatment:
While a microdermabrasion treatment is a non-invasive, gentle procedure, it may result in some temporary side effects, including:
Pink or red complexion
Feeling that the skin is sun or wind-burned
Slight skin tightness
Bruised or sensitive sensation
Note: During a microdermabrasion recovery, clients generally experience immediate improvements, but optimal results will not be visible until you have completed all recommended treatments.
A typical course of treatment ranges from 5-10 sessions spaced 1-2 weeks apart.
The stratum corneum (dead keratinocyte) layer is sloughed off during a microdermabrasion service. This causes the basal layer cells to replicate, creating daughter cells that result in increased collagen, elastin, and skin thickness.
Post-Microdermabrasion Skin Care Tips:
While microdermabrasion is not a particularly invasive procedure, your skin will be sensitive after the treatment. To ensure safe and satisfactory results, it’s important to follow the following recovery tips:
Use a rich moisturizer once you have thoroughly dried the skin. Continue to use it for 4-6 days after your treatment as this will prevent any excessive peeling.
Stay out of the sun for at least a week after your microdermabrasion treatment to prevent UV rays from causing hyperpigmentation or damaging your skin. Apply SPF 15 (at least) and avoid UV exposure. Use sunscreen every time you go out (even if it is an overcast day). This is important because microdermabrasion increases photosensitivity. The protective barrier has been removed, therefore, sun exposes the skin to damaging UV rays and will undoubtedly slow the healing process.
Keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water and eating fruits and vegetables with a high water content. Regular moisturizer applications are vital to replenish the skin and prevent it becoming dry and peeling
AVOID scratching or picking at the treatment area. While there is little to no down-time with this treatment, there may be visible cellular regeneration (flaky skin). This will usually be contained to the areas where the face is contracted the most (around the mouth is most common). Do not pick or pull this skin off. The cells of your epidermis are connected by something called desmosomes. Epidermal cells are very attached to one another. Essentially you will over-exfoliate the skin. Removing cells prematurely can cause hyperpigmentation, redness, and irritation.
For at least 1 week following the procedure, DO NOT use any harsh chemicals, rub or tan your skin
For at least 2 weeks after your treatment: Avoid facial waxing, use of depilatory creams, electrolysis, IPL or any other for at least two weeks after your treatment procedure
For 24 hours: No swimming or fake tan application
Up to 48 Hours after: No sauna, sun beds or sun exposure. No botox, collagen injections or dermal fillers. You may also want to avoid heavy workouts that cause you to sweat to prevent irritation. If you do choose to workout, it’s perfectly safe; you can wear a headband to soak up most of the sweat before it comes into contact with your skin and wash your face immediately after your workout is over.
For 72 Hours: Do not use any anti-aging creams, AHA’s, glycolic, retinol or exfoliating products.
Cut Down on Caffeine: Coffee and tea are a staple in many busy lives, but the truth is that the caffeine they contain is one of the main offenders when it comes to dehydrated skin. The rule of thumb is to consume the same amount of water as your regular coffee or tea intake on top of the water you should drink daily. If you’re unable to drink more water, you should consider cutting down on caffeine to avoid drying out your skin.
Avoid Alcohol and Blood-Thinning Pain Relievers: Alcohol and blood-thinning pain relievers can prolong the healing process. Don’t drink any alcoholic beverages for 48 hours after your appointment and don’t take pain relievers like aspirin or ibuprofen for about a week after your appointment to promote quick healing.
Discontinue use of any all exfoliating agents for one week: Products that have an AHA (alpha hydroxy acid, like glycolic), BHA (beta hydroxy acid, like salicylic), micro beads, enzymes, or a retinol will all further exfoliate the skin. Microdermabrasion removes the top eighth layer of dead skin cells, thereby removing what your body recognizes as its “protective” layer. What is left beneath will be fresh, healthy skin cells that are very much alive. Over-exfoliating these cells can damage the skin and cause irritation or hyperpigmentation.
In short, avoid chemicals, heat treatments, UV exposure and apply your moisturizer regularly with an SPF of 15 or higher!
REMEMBER: Any pain or prolonged redness is abnormal and might be an indication of infection. If this occurs, please contact me or your dermatologist immediately. We should be able to monitor your progress throughout the healing period to ensure a safe and quick recovery.
Can you wear makeup after microdermabrasion?
Try not to schedule your microdermabrasion treatment on the same day as a big event. You can expect to see some redness in your face which will fade quickly. You can wear makeup after your treatment but waiting for 12 hours is recommend. If you do decide to wear makeup during that time, then use mineral makeup as this is less likely to cause irritation.